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  Forums > Hively Tracker Discussion > Video - Hively on OS3.9, Amiga 4000

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Video - Hively on OS3.9, Amiga 4000

Posted: 2006-12-15 17:07:37
Expert at chit-chat
Posts: 122

Member since:
2006-12-14 19:47:57

Enjoy - courtesy of d0pefish

Posted: 2006-12-15 17:16:00
Supreme Being
Posts: 448

Member since:
2006-12-13 11:34:00
Very cool :)

The major drawback of the 68k version is the lack of mousewheel support; the GUI is really based around the mousewheel being the easiest and fastest way to change all parameters. I think BuZz is going to add that, though.

AHX forever!
Posted: 2006-12-15 18:14:54
Posts: 197

Member since:
2006-12-15 18:06:32
wtf! how did he run it on os 3.9?
Posted: 2006-12-15 22:03:38
Supreme Being
Posts: 448

Member since:
2006-12-13 11:34:00
Its BuZz's port.
AHX forever!
Posted: 2006-12-16 01:41:46
Posts: 56

Member since:
2006-12-14 18:21:01
There is a NewMouse thing for supporting wheelmice, but the problem is I don't have one, so testing would be kind of hard :)

I could configure a couple of keys to emulate it though ?
Posted: 2006-12-16 12:06:56
Just looking around
Posts: 6

Member since:
2006-12-15 22:01:04
Dopefish strikes again! Remember the Milkytracker on A4000 video? Nice to hear about HT 68k, I'm sure it will make many people happy


Varthall/Up Rough
Posted: 2006-12-16 14:54:38
Posts: 197

Member since:
2006-12-15 18:06:32
I tried to get the 68k version running last night, but it failed to open the images.. so i installe a png datatype, but still no luck. does it need a gfxcard? i tried it on my a1200/060.
Posted: 2006-12-16 15:09:51
Posts: 56

Member since:
2006-12-14 18:21:01
It does not require a gfxcard, but isn't very fast without one. It uses guigfx/render.library to handle image remapping/dithering on lower colour screens. on non gfxcard it currently uses 16 colour screen.
Posted: 2006-12-16 15:41:07
Posts: 197

Member since:
2006-12-15 18:06:32
OK. Any plans to bang the HW in teh futur3?
I could adapt the GFX for a hires non interlaced screen if you'd want me to. That way we should be able to get some decent speed out of it I guess.

Posted: 2006-12-16 15:42:00
Posts: 197

Member since:
2006-12-15 18:06:32
... plus the 'light' skin that you have used now could easilly be made to use less colours.
Posted: 2006-12-16 16:05:04
Posts: 56

Member since:
2006-12-14 18:21:01
That would require an incredible amount of recoding. Well, it might be better to rewrite from scratch in that case :-)
Posted: 2006-12-16 16:10:53
Expert at chit-chat
Posts: 122

Member since:
2006-12-14 19:47:57
Just to keep everyone informed...

I got Hively running on WB3.1, A1200 060/50 etc, AHI/Paula - all buttons worked, screen autoscrolled, instrument editing and note-playing was fine, pattern playback...after about half a pattern, the display would completely corrupt but the playback would continue with 'A' and 'Space' still stopping and starting:)

I spent some time installing WB3.9 and now Hively loads...but doesn't play back. I strongly suspect I need to get both Boing Bags updates on there to solve some ReAction problems (possibly) and one or two other 3.9 bugs, but since d0pefish has managed it, I have faith.

By the way, operation on 3.1 with no graphics card seemed fast enough for me...though maybe that's my 50mhz 060 paying for itself ;)

I'll keep you up to date...

Posted: 2006-12-16 16:24:55
Occasional visitor
Posts: 14

Member since:
2006-12-16 16:10:30
Hi there! :)

>> wtf! how did he run it on os 3.9?
>> Dopefish strikes again!

Hahahahahahahah! :D That actually made me laugh out loud. By the way, I've also ran SchismTracker on my beast (using the same method as I used to persuade Milky to work); just never videoed it as it performed very poorly compared to Milky and Hively! :)

First, I'll mention that I'm actually so damn impressed that it works this well on my 060. I haven't yet managed to crash it and it's been rock solid, even at this early stage - congrats exobuzz !

What I would *love* to see in the future is a WarpOS port, so that my PPC isn't just sitting there and laughing at the 68060 doing all the work. :) How possible would that be?

By the way, I can probably help test mousewheel support - I have a USB card and the stack (IIRC) makes my USB Intellimouse's wheel work.

-d0pefish aka. lavaburn
Posted: 2006-12-16 16:41:15
Posts: 56

Member since:
2006-12-14 18:21:01
Warpos should be possible. Or at least the replayer / mixing could be warpos. Not sure if the gui stuff would benefit due to all the context switches that would be involved drawing the gui etc.
Posted: 2006-12-16 16:42:24
Posts: 56

Member since:
2006-12-14 18:21:01
Also a morphos port should be easy. I almost have it building on vbcc, and then I should just need to switch targets.
Posted: 2006-12-16 17:17:23
Occasional visitor
Posts: 14

Member since:
2006-12-16 16:10:30
Excellent! Yeah, MorphOS port would also be totally wicked!

Would moving the mixing/playback to the PPC free up the 060 and make the GUI (done by 68k) faster? Or would the speedup also be countered by context switching?

MorphOS should be full steam ahead though, right? :)

-d0pefish aka. lavaburn
Posted: 2006-12-16 23:11:41
Posts: 56

Member since:
2006-12-14 18:21:01
Well, you just want to minimise the context switches as much as possible. and the player is the slowest bit of the tracker.
Posted: 2006-12-18 22:20:11
Posts: 197

Member since:
2006-12-15 18:06:32
exobuzz, as soon as you have a bit more stable version, i'll make you a 4col skin aight?
Posted: 2006-12-18 22:22:15
Posts: 197

Member since:
2006-12-15 18:06:32
hmmmm .... would it be too much trouble to adapt the 68k version to a 640x512 screen? guess not? it's irritating that you have to scroll around on AGA.
Posted: 2006-12-18 22:25:37
Expert at chit-chat
Posts: 122

Member since:
2006-12-14 19:47:57
I'm still chuffed that I *can* scroll - on my crappy resolution, I'm used to Digibooster Pro where if you can't see the buttons, you can't see the buttons and that's that! A neat little 640x512 screen *would* be nice, of course, but until I get it running at all I'm not desperate yet:)

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