Forums > Hively Tracker Support > Documentation bugs
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Documentation bugs
javamannen |
Posted: 2009-12-07 23:32:03 |
Just looking around Posts: 7
Member since: 2007-06-19 08:28:45 |
I think I found some bugs in the keyboard reference, and also an actual implementation bug (#5 below).
1. (Copy command above cursor and decrement): "-" should be "Left Alt + -"
2. (Copy command above cursor and increment): "=" should be "Left Alt + ="
3. (Copy command above cursor): "\" should be "Left Alt + \"
4. The function of the ESC key changed in v1.2 but it's not changed in the keyboard reference.
5. "Left Alt + Cursor left | Previous instrument" and "Left Alt + Cursor right | Next instrument". These 2 key combinations don't do what the keyboard ref says they should do. [Left Alt + Cursor left] decreases the position, and [Left Alt + Cursor right] doesn't seem to do anything(?) Anyway, even if it worked as specified, it would just duplicate the functionality of [Ctrl + Cursor left] and [Ctrl + Cursor right]. I looked at the AHX docs and it says:
Alt+RgtArrow --> Increase currently selected track number.
Alt+LftArrow --> Decrease currently selected track number.
Just an idea: why not do the same thing in Hively? Maybe it was originally intended to be like that but never got implemented?
6. The OS3 version still has the 1.4 docs...
/Adam D.
Xeron |
Posted: 2013-05-07 18:28:15 |
Supreme Being Posts: 448
Member since: 2006-12-13 11:34:00 |
All fixed in SVN revision 48, ready for the next release. AHX forever! |
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