Forums > Hively Tracker Discussion > Thanks
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neomanx |
Posted: 2012-11-08 19:21:50 |
Just looking around Posts: 1
Member since: 2012-11-08 19:19:53 |
Thanks for porting HivelyTracker to Windows. It's really appreciated :-) Currently I'm working on an Android Shoot-Em-Up and already implemented the HVL playback library. Now I don't have to create music in WinUAE anymore! Thanks! neoman/titan |
Xeron |
Posted: 2012-11-11 17:14:39 |
Supreme Being Posts: 448
Member since: 2006-12-13 11:34:00 |
No problem :) Let me know when your game is finished and i'll link to it from the website.
I could even port the game to webOS, if you're interested (yes, AmigaOS isn't the only niche OS i'm a fan of :) AHX forever! |
Monk |
Posted: 2012-12-15 22:46:00 |
One of the regulars Posts: 55
Member since: 2006-12-25 20:39:33 |
Thanks for the Hivelytracker port indeed! I am planning to test it soon.
As 'making games' is the topic, I could just quickly notify you all that I also made a game, as I said in another post, but it's just a simple star-avoiding game - it's so hard to do EVERYTHING myself (from graphics, fonts, design and programming to music, sound effects and animations and such).. There might be a 'sync-problem' which kind of spoils the 'artistic' quality of the game.
And it's not 100% ready anyway, but I released a 0.95-version of it just in case the end of the world comes soon, so at least something is released.. the things to fix are merely 'cosmetic' anyway.
(Like making better versions of a few songs and instruments, balancing out volumes better, making certain graphics look better, and so on.)
But maybe this is not the right place, so I refrain from giving a download link. |
Monk |
Posted: 2012-12-15 22:53:50 |
One of the regulars Posts: 55
Member since: 2006-12-25 20:39:33 |
Is there a horrible bug in Hivelytracker? I mean, if you write more text than there are 'instruments' - the text will be wiped out? Please tell me it is not so.. (with Protracker, I am sure many people got into the habit of writing lots of information into the modules, whether there were lots of samples or not)
I am sure I wrote a lot more text to the song, but it cuts off after "If I had more energy, I am sure".
PLEASE tell me this is not true.. Hively ate my carefully crafted comments?
And with Hivelytracker (and ONLY with Hivelytracker), you have to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL when you write comments, and keep track whether there is an instrument there or not..? This can't be true, can it? |
Xeron |
Posted: 2012-12-25 13:09:15 |
Supreme Being Posts: 448
Member since: 2006-12-13 11:34:00 |
Its not a bug in hivelytracker, it is a limitation of the hivelytracker module format (which it inherited from AHX). Just make sure the last line of text that you want to keep in the module has an instrument in it that is used in the song. AHX forever! |
Monk |
Posted: 2012-12-26 05:18:43 |
One of the regulars Posts: 55
Member since: 2006-12-25 20:39:33 |
Thanks for explaining how it works, Xeron!
But I think that since improving is already done (by adding channels, for example), why keep the silly limitations, restrictions and quirks of the AHX format, when the user/composer would greatly benefit from removing them?
So it's not enough for it to be an instrument, it also has to be -used- in the song! Phew, good to know. I guess the best way to start making a new song is to create/load instru in the last possible 'instrument line', so one would use that instru immediately in the beginning..
How about the other quirks, like having an option for the editor-like style versus the pattern-like style of composing? I mean, for 4 channels, it's probably doable, but with 8 channels or more, it tends to get a little tedious to have to be constantly inputting numbers in proper places before being able to continue with a new pattern.
I mean, if there was an "automated pattern creator" or something, that would input the numbers for you, so you would always have fresh, new pattern, so you wouldn't accidentally re-use something that you would then edit later, and mess up the whole song (always happened to me when I tried to use it that way).
And the arbitrary and artificial octave-limitation is quite .. well, limiting. MusicLine Editor does certainly have a similar way of changing the pitch of the instrument, but somehow it manages to produce a better quality sound. It would be cool if even wave length 80 or 100 (is this even possible?) could be taken to really high pitches so we could have higher quality, high pitch sounds.
And the snaredrum problem .. if there was a sample track available, that would allow you to use SID-samples for drums at least, it would open a whole world of neat possibilities!
Finally, I wonder if the sound quality couldn't be changed to something slightly better - having used real SID chips, VST-instruments like QuadraSID, Albino and FM7, plus listened to MusicLine Editor songs..
.. AHX/Hivelytracker seems like a culture shock with it's sound quality and difficulties in getting the sound to resemble something aurally pleasant. For tiny Amiga intros, AHX-sound was ok (but it was never 'amazing', like MLine), and with genius-instrumakers like Pink some of the songs sounded really good.
But when you really have come used to it being easy to create a neat, smoothly flowing PWM-lead for even higher pitches, and snappy drums to boot, coming to AHX instru editor and trying to create something as good can be quite frustrating.
It could be that I lack the 'knack', but I think if Hivelytracker's sound quality was updated to the par of the modern times (I wouldn't expect anything more fancy than what MLine and/or QuadraSID can do), and/or if there was a sample track, then Hivelytracker could really become something magnificent, a real INSPIRATION and true joy to compose with!
It could surpass AHX and many other chiptune formats in such a clear way that there would be no question who the chiptune star is! It could also bring LIFE to the nowadays a bit comatose forum and community.
It's the limitations that discourage me the most when I try to do something with Hivelytracker.. although otherwise I'd like to, very much. I mean, even the filter could so easily sound so much better and vibrant, more 'unique' or like it has a 'personality', instead of just plastically and linearly suffocating the sound without much neat resonance. (By "easily", I don't mean 'programming-wise', I mean that it wouldn't have to be changed aurally that much)
Btw, "Supreme Being", did you ever have time to check my game? (: (I think it's ok to ask, because most of my post is about Hivelytracker anyway)
Xeron |
Posted: 2012-12-26 13:35:53 |
Supreme Being Posts: 448
Member since: 2006-12-13 11:34:00 |
I am not really working on Hivelytracker any more. I never wanted to take it too far from AHX, there are other synth trackers out there for that. It was only ever meant to be an AHX tracker with a few extra features. AHX forever! |
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