Occasional visitor Posts: 48
Member since: 2013-05-05 19:13:03 |
I originally asked how to compile HivelyTracker from CVS sources, but I ended up answering my question, so I will have to post solution. Here it goes.
This is for Win32 and latest Code::Blocks.
Have HivelyTracker already installed on PC.
TODO: getting source from CVS
I've used SmartGitHg for that purpose.
Follow instructions posted here for setting up project, skip the steps about Boost lib. We won't be needing it.
In the step where you are told to add linker params, use:
-g -lm -mwindows -lmingw32 -lSDL_ttf -lSDLmain -lSDL -lSDL_image -lole32 -loleaut32
Add the project folder recursively. From the project manager pane, remove the following:
Build project. If compiler complains about missing headers(such as system_includes.h), add to Search directories, the root folder of the project and the sdl folder from within it. Build again.
Copy created executable to the folder where Hively Tracker is installed. |